Our special board events bring an extra layer of fun to the game and ensure things never get boring around here! These events come in different forms, but each one provides a super fun, unique, and rewarding experience in its own way!
Tile Games
If you love landing on lucky tiles, this is the perfect event for you! Make your way across the board and get points when you land on the tiles with special prizes on them. Who knows, a gold cart might even roll your way...! Go on a wild adventure now and don’t forget to stop at these special “landmarks.” 🙌️
Items Game
Stop and smell the blossoms! 🌺️💮️
Normally, we would never recommend stepping directly on items such as plants or soccer balls, but we’ll make an exception for this fantastic event! Pluck fresh points and prizes by strolling past different themed items on the board - no need to actually land on these tiles to gain points! Make sure to snatch up these points before the items disappear!
Numbers Game
1+2 equals...prizes for you! 💰️
If only math was this much fun in the classroom. Fill up your progress bar during these events by rolling dice and landing on specific results, like doubles, evens, odds or even combinations. For example, rolling a 3 and 3 will earn you points both for doubles and for evens!
There are no math problems here, only solutions! ✨️